Thursday, April 22, 2010

What happened to baby #1

Well guys according to the emails, it's time to put this one to bed. Everyone is curious what happened with Hayley. I'm gonna make this brief as it's one of my greatest shames, and that's saying a lot dear readers, as I have a lot to be ashamed of.
The summer Allison had her accident my ex-husband moved to Noblesville, taking my first born with him. I was just so busy with the other two I had no time to argue. Ally and Brayden were in jeopardy!
I had no car at this point as I had killed mine going back and forth to Indy all those months. So therefore I had no way to go see Hayley.
Time passed, and LL starting throwing up roadblocks between me and my girl. LL remarried and Hayley starting looking at her step mom as her mommy.
It's been 5 years now since I have seen Hayley. Although it is so hard I stay away for her sake, she is happy and well adjusted and I have no interest in messing that up. My selfish need to see her CANNOT interrupt with her happiness.
Hopefully someday she will forgive me for this but until that day I will continue to hate myself and miss her.
As always thanks for listening and God bless!

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