Monday, June 7, 2010

Last day of school!

Today was the last day of school, finally! It's been a hard year for me and mine. It has also been amazing how far we have all come over the past nine months!
This time last year I had a husband that ignored me, a drug problem, and ZERO self esteem! Now it is like my whole outlook on life has changed....
The kids came home waving a stack of awards with big smiles on their faces. It was so sweet to be fully aware of it and able to share their excitement! I have been complaining about how much more things hurt since I got clean, but there is a flipside to that argument. I also feel the joy so much more intensely!
I am about 50 times more confident as well. One morning, only about 4 days ago, I looked in the mirror without cringing. In fact it was quite the contrary, I smiled and said to myself, "Not too shabby!" Think that was a turning point for me.
I have harped on and on about self-love, but I am actually progressing towards it. Only took me almost 33 years, but am happy I arrived here at last!
Yes, it has been a long strange trip since I started this journey, with you, my dear readers, cheering me on and encouraging me when I faltered. A million thanks to you all!
I will post when I can, but with summer upon me, my free moments will become much rarer! So if I write a bit less, no worries! Not in the gutter with a needle in my arm, just busy with my monsters!
As always, thanks for listening and God bless!

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